Monday, 13 August 2007

Enough chatter, just show me the games!

We play tabletop war games like Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Infinity, Malifaux, Warmachine, Hordes, Flames of War, Warmaster and Lord of the Rings. We also play card games such as Yugiho and Warcraft.
Board games also see action on our tables, games such as Super Dungeon Explorer, Spartacus, Sons of Anarchy, Game of Thrones, Mansion of Madness and Pandemic all make an appearance.
We are quite relaxed in our painting rules, models must be undercoated, however it would be nice to see a bi-weekly improvement. Please be sensible and don’t bring things in like two lascannon’s stuck to a bottle to represent a landraider (it has been done). We are happy to see weird and wacky conversions and try experimental rules.


Anonymous said...

I think you can make bury war games better by having a warrhammer 40k day like the hours of 10am to 7pm on a sunday because we are getting to many people going to bury war games and it is becoming quite boring having 550 point battles from

Rhys Peckham

Anonymous said...

Sorry you feel like that about the club. I cant find anymore spare time to the run the club...especially at the hours you have asked...please if you have any request like your last one please put them on the forum ..under "ask the committee" and not on the blog.


Captain Stevo.

Anonymous said...

hi "captain Steve" and all the other members of the comittee(hope i spelled that right)just wondering if there is a warhammer40k tournourment happening soon as i have finally scraped up enough cash too take my tau force to 1500 points
Cameron Baxter

Anonymous said...

Hi mate.

Nothing tat i know of yet..just a bit of an idea but use the link at the side of the page for 2008 posting and then go and join the forum...its easier for us to reply as this post is form last year.

Captn Stevo.

Anonymous said...

Hey i am thinking of going but onyl when i have like at least a 750+ points frce of painted up DE but do you do any tournaments and special nights etc.? thanks

Anonymous said...

We have a Warhammer40k league running at the moment - pop over to the Forum to check out how it is going.

Don't worry about having unpainted figures - plenty of people play with new models that way (or even some not so new ones!)

Anonymous said...

combat patrol. the games afoot!! see Jon or your commitee member.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys

I think my friend, Mike, may have contacted you about the WHFB Tournament that Gt Yarmouth club are running later this month. I’m not sure whether any of you guys have attended in the past but it is a pretty friendly affair. We have entrants from Norwich and Ipswich and it would be really great to see some St Edmundians (?) along too. Our comppack is at

Please feel free to give me a shout with any queries on

Kind Regards
