Saturday, 12 May 2012

Bury Wargamers' First 40k Tournament - a Report

Well, on April 14th the club hosted its very first 40k Tournament.  The day was a great success, I think everyone who took part enjoyed it!

Well done to our members who walked away with prizes on the day - firstly, to Grant 'Grax Dragon' who won Best Painted Army for his Daemons:

Second place for Painting went to Hadleigh 'hads_chaos_dude' and his Chaos Space Marines:

Commmiserations to Matty 'Tap of Pointlessness' who won the (highly covetted!) wooden spoon:

Congratulations to James 'Pedro Kantor' for winning the award for Most Sporting Player:

Overall runner up was James Moore, who played 'Nids:

And congratulations to overall Tournament Winner Rem 'Nixon' with his pretty-much all-conquering Space Wolves army - surely time to retire these now, eh? ;-)

Thanks to Matt 'GreatCrusade08' for running a great tournament!  I think everyone that took part will be looking forward to the next one ;-)